Dr. Raad Yahya Qassim

Raad Yahya Qassim, After obtaining the Ph.D.Degree from the Imperial college of Science, Technology, and Medicine in 1970, I worked in nuclear , mechanical, profduction, and ocean engineering, in teaching, academic research, industrial R&D. At present, I am working on three lines of research:

Agricultural grain supply chain optimal design.

Hydrokinetic turbine optimal placement.

Optimal supply vessel routing for petroleum offshore explorartion and production platforms.

Academic Qualifications:

B.Sc. (1966). M.Sc. (1967), Ph. D. (1970), Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine, all in chemical engineering.

Professional Experience:

Post-doctoral Research Fellow. Nuclear Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperila College of Science, Technology, and Medicine. 1970-1972. National Nuclear Energy Commission, Brazil,1972-1975. Professor of Nuclear Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Production engineering, and Ocean Engineering, Coppe, The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro 1975-present date.